Women: A Journal of Liberation [4 issues: Vol. 1 No. 1, Fall 1969; Vol. 2 no 3,1971; Vol. 3 no 1,1972; Vol. 3 no 2, 1972]

Koedt, Ann, Donn Keck, Vicki Pollard, Donna Cornsweet, Claudia Dreifus, et al.


Four non-consecutive issues of this seminal women’s movement periodical. The four issues here are are subtitled respectively 1) Inherent Nature or Cultural Conditioning?; 2) Women As Workers Under Capitalism; 3) Sexuality and 4) Building A New Culture. Scores of essays, poems and manifestos. 8.5″ x 11″ staple-bound, black and white text and images (with a few colored pages). All volumes fully intact and very sound internally, while the covers show some soiling and rubbing especially to edges, with Vol. 3 no 2 quite crimped at base. Further images & content detail upon request.

Book Publisher: Women: A Journal of Liberation, Inc.

Publication Place: Baltimore & NYC

Publication Date: 1969-72

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Weight 1 lbs